
sst - definitivo vettoriale - copia-1





La Bicicletteria Italiana

Via Fiorentima, 234

52100 Arezzo

P.IVA: 02135480511


Motorcycle Suspension Review

Suspension overhaul for your motorbike is a fundamental service to ensure maximum performance and safety. Over time, dust, dirt and continuous stress can compromise the efficiency of your suspensions. The suspension overhaul is carried out by us following a protocol that we have improved over the years:

Fork: disassembly and cleaning of all suspension parts, reassembly with replacement of worn materials and specific new oil.

Monoshock absorber: disassembly and cleaning of all parts of the suspension, reassembly with replacement of worn materials, specific new oil with Vacum machine, which ensures there is no air inside, it is then charged with nitrogen.

We recommend overhauling the suspensions: 25-30 hours Cross , 50-70 hours Enduro , 10,000-15,000 km Maxi Enduro-Dual.

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Suspension preparation

Suspension overhaul for your motorbike is a fundamental service to ensure maximum performance and safety. Over time, dust, dirt and continuous stress can compromise the efficiency of your suspensions. The suspension overhaul is carried out by us following a protocol that we have improved over the years:

Fork: disassembly and cleaning of all suspension parts, reassembly with replacement of worn materials and specific new oil.

Monoshock absorber: disassembly and cleaning of all parts of the suspension, reassembly with replacement of worn materials, specific new oil with Vacum machine, which ensures there is no air inside, it is then charged with nitrogen.

We recommend overhauling the suspensions: 25-30 hours Cross , 50-70 hours Enduro , 10,000-15,000 km Maxi Enduro-Dual.

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